Dear Dawn... Week 4 - LinkedIn Sceptic | UAE News Dear Dawn... Week 4 - LinkedIn Sceptic | UAE News
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Dear Dawn… Week 4 – LinkedIn Sceptic

Dear Dawn… Week 4 – LinkedIn Sceptic

The Gulf Business agony aunt is back to answer the fourth professional query in the series.


“The problem is that most meetings don’t focus on getting real work done. Sometimes companies need help to make the change from meetings that take you away from real work to meetings that are real work.” That was part of the advice Gulf Business agony aunt Dawn gave to ‘Meetings Adverse’ last week in the third episode of Dear Dawn.

Dawn’s wise words and listening ear are now back for the fourth week.

The question is:

Dear Dawn,

Everybody I know seems to be on LinkedIn. Why? I am not a teenage girl and don’t need Facebook for grown ups!


LinkedIn Sceptic

What is your opinion on the subject? Does ‘LinkedIn Sceptic’ make a good point – are too many people on LinkedIn? Or have they misunderstood what the professional social network is about, and mistaken it for another Facebook?

We await your feedback and hope to initiate a debate with you.

Join the discussion on our LinkedIn and Twitter pages.

Send your questions for Dawn anonymously to [email protected] and see them answered here next time.

Dawn Metcalfe is the managing director of Performance Development Services (PDS). Find out more at


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