France issues international arrest warrant for Carlos Ghosn France issues international arrest warrant for Carlos Ghosn
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France issues international arrest warrant for Carlos Ghosn

France issues international arrest warrant for Carlos Ghosn

French investigators have travelled to Beirut to question Ghosn over his interactions with the Omani car distributor and his spending on various events

carlos ghosn

French investigators issued international arrest warrants for former Nissan Motor company chairman Carlos Ghosn and four others who allegedly helped him siphon millions of euros from Renault SA.

One of the warrants targets billionaire Suhail Bahwan, who owns a vehicle distributor in Oman that prosecutors allege was used to funnel Renault funds for Ghosn’s personal use, prosecutors from Nanterre, near Paris, said. The others are against Bahwan’s two sons and the former general manager of Suhail Bahwan Automobiles.

Representatives for Ghosn declined to immediately comment on the warrant.

Ghosn, the former head of Nissan and Renault, fled Japan in late 2019. He was facing charges of financial misconduct. Japan also has an arrest warrant for Ghosn, but the former auto titan currently resides in Lebanon which does not extradite its citizens. He has citizenship in Lebanon, France and Brazil.

Since his dramatic escape from Japan, his main legal risks have largely shifted to France, where he is accused of using Renault funds to pay for a yacht and his wife’s birthday party. French investigators have travelled to Beirut to question him over his interactions with the Omani car distributor and his spending on various events and trips.

The Wall Street Journal reported the arrest warrants earlier on Friday.

Read: Carlos Ghosn faces Nissan in Dutch court for first time since escape

Read: American father-son duo sentenced to jail for helping Carlos Ghosn escape

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