#Arab Petroleum Investments Corporation

Apicorp Khalid Ali Al-Ruwaigh

APICORP leverages preferred creditor status to launch A/B loan programme

The A/B loan structure will help support APICORP’s less developed member countries and encourage private sector participation

APICORP Mena energy investment outlook _ GettyImages

Energy investments in the MENA region to reach $879bn in five years: APICORP

The MENA region is well-positioned to supply around 10-20 per cent of the global hydrogen market by 2050, with the GCC and North Africa set to become global export hubs

Oil and gas prices are likely to remain elevated in 2022: APICORP

Power sector investments in the MENA region are also expected to continue to thrive, with an accelerating shift towards renewables

Apicorp and IsDB partner in $1bn infrastructure financing initiative

The joint ‘Infra Initiative’ aims to incentivise more private sector investments and mobilise funding for utility projects